Manufacturing Process

Classification POSCO Maharashtra ACL
Date Of Operation Oct, 2013
Capacity (Ton/year) 300,000
Available Size
Thickness (mm) 0.35, 0.50 & 0.65
Width (mm) 900~1,200
Weight (Ton) Max 30
Product Grade (Low to High-grade CRNGO)
Hiper-NO High-NO Mid-NO Low-NO
35C230/360 50/65C400 50/65C600 50/65C800
50C350 50/65C470 50C700 50C1000
Inner Diameter (mm) 508(20”)

Cleaning Section

The sheet is cleaned in a state-of-art cleaning section is to facilitate effective heat treatment and coating adherence.


The cleaned sheet is heat treated in a furnace where the parameters temperature and an atmosphere are stringently controlled to enhance grain growth resulting in less core loss.

Coating System

The advanced coating system applies of the insulation and solution uniformly on the both surfaces and it is effectively dried in precisely to controlled parameters as per customer’s requirement.


A dedicated team of the quality engineers inspects the finished product are using sophisticated to the equipments like surface defect detector and stroboscopic lights to certify the product as per the customer specification.